Universal Parenting Advice

 I do not have children of my own at all. However, I was spending a lot time with my nephew while my older sister's at work and I learned on a lot. Even The Holy Bible tells children to obey there parents, it also tells a parent how to treat their the children. For example, there is Leviticus 19:29, Ephesians 6:4 and Matthew 18:6. They taught me that I should be careful of how I should treat young people in general. Here are some advice I would like to impart on you.

1. LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN! I put that in capital letters for a reason. If you don't learn to your children, the following will: a therapist, a counselor, their friends, their spouse, their boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. Especially when it's time to have "The Talk." 

2. Don't put too much pressure your kids. Your kids are already in enough pressure as it is from school, their peers, social media and the world. So parents why add more. That would just being up having high blood pressure when dealing with you.

3. Don't too strict with your kids. By being too strict, you are only teaching your child how to lie and be sneaky. Your child would just be counting the days until they are old enough to move out of your home.

4. Don't show favoritism. I was watching a play from Tyler Perry where Madea said, "The one your favor will be the one who will not you down the most. An example of favoritism is comparing one child to the other. It only adds fuel to sibling. You must treat your children equally.

5. Keep up with the times. I might expand this piece of this into a blog post about this advice in the near future. However, I am going to keep this brief on this post. There are certain things that are not what it was where you were going from child to adulthood. 

I might update on this on this post from time to time. I might even research some. I will keep you all posted.


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