You Can Lose Your Job And It Is Not Your Fault

I have had my struggles with the job search as long as I can remember. However, I have heard stories from people who lost their jobs or even got laid off and it was no fault of their own. Here is how you could lose your job and it is not your fault. Please keep in mind the this post does not apply to those who lost his or her job due to misconduct.

1. Change in your industry. It could be a technological change or you entire industry disappear.
2. Economic downturn. A recession or depression can have in effect on your occupation.
3. Budget cuts. A company can run out of money to operate.
4. Outsourced. Your job could move to another country.
5. Automation. Now this is currently happening at an accelerated rate.

Product of the Post
Before I go, I would to tell you about a book I that checked out in my local public library a few times. 50 Ways to Get a Job: An Unconventional Guide to Finding Work on Your Terms (the book above) by can help you out after get over your disappointment of your job loss. It discuss how you can find your purpose, learn new skills, networking, and more. Buy this book today!


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