Makes A Lot Of Sense

People will always tell you real a "real job." I even wrote a poem about it that you would find in a book that I'm writing. Lately, I have been reading a lot books, eBooks, deep thinking, researching on my electronics devices and soul searching. The job market has changed a lot ever since my parents (Baby Boomers) , my stepmother (Gen X) and even my grandparents (Silent Generation) applied for jobs. Have you heard of the Industrial Revolution? Well, we are in now in a Digital Revolution.

First of all I watched a YouTube video from Minority Mindset (  I learned that getting a job is much riskier than starting a business. The way of . Prior to discovering Minority Mindset, I have been watching They have a few of the videos discussed the difference between poor people and rich people. It reminded me of a book that I read a long time ago. I forgot what the title was but it discussed the poverty mind. However, I will save this information for another post.                                                                                                                                                                                       
I would to discuss some amazing books that I have been reading lately. These books made a so much sense to what is going on in the current job market and it's future. After you read these books, you would realize not only you to upgrade your old skills but learn new ones as well.

  1. Reinvention Roadmap by Liz Ryan. Ryan's book discusses how the old way of job search does not work in the new millennium. It mentioned how your should not go to sleep in your career. 

    2. This Is Not Your Job Market: Job Seeking Strategies For Today's New College Graduates by Winston Kotzan ( This book is an essential guide for college graduates who are the Millennial generation and Generation Z.

3. The Gig Economy by Diane Mulcahy . The term gig economy is defined as an economy that where involves short term jobs and freelance work.

5. Get a Life Not a Job by Paula Caligiuri, Ph.D . This discusses how it is important to have a work-life balance and financial freedom.

7. Own Your Future: How to Think Like An Entrepreneur and Thrive in an Unpredictable Economy by Paul B. Brown with Charles F. Kiefer and Leonard A. Schlesinger. Your job would be here today and an entire industry can disappear overnight.


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